Hírek röviden

Plébániai könyvtárunk kifejezetten vallási, hitéleti, egyházi könyvekre szakosodott, hogy az érdeklődőket segítse. Lehetőség van helyben olvasásra és kölcsönzésre egyaránt. A nyitva tartási idő kedd 16.00-17.30 között.

Introduction Nyomtatás

We are a Roman Catholic community and would like to lead our life according to the Gospel. So we are glad to share with others all of our happiness, light and hope which we received from our faith and still get each day presented. We would like to become a receptive community which is open for all people looking for God.

In Újszeged there has been religious life reported since 1910 when the St. Elisabeth Parish Church was erected. The community life and the parish life were organised by the parish priest Guidó Karácsonyi.

The former suburban with only a few inhabitants became an important part of the city of Szeged. Of the probably 24.000 inhabitants there are at about 10-12.000 Roman Catholics.


Because of the increasing number of citizens, we decided to build a new church in 2006. This new house of God was named Mother Theresa of  Calcutta Church whose person is a shining example for us.




In the two churches there are altogether 6 holy masses each Sunday. These attend at about 1.200 believers. Besides them we are in contact with more than 1.400-1.600 people.

In 2007 three Salvatorian sisters joined us: Jyothi Jampana and Anna Maria Pelka. They came from their convent in Szeged. They take part in the pastoration of the youth and the mission as well.

We are happy to consider that there are all generations present in our parish community who feel at home, from the very small children up to the school-students and young adults. We have an active group of university students and young adults. The two family communities meet fortnightly. Parents of the children attending religious lessons meet regularly in three groups once a month. We organised two Bible reading groups. Even the singers can find a choir for themselves in our parish. We consider the work of Caritas Group - a service from love - very important because it comes from the essence of our belief as the Holy Bible says:  „Have love for your neighbour as for yourself” (Mt 22,39).

Our senior brothers and sisters organise useful programs once a month and serve the community in lots of ways. In our churches there are more active prayer groups and we pray psalms regularly and keep an adoration day once a month. Several spiritual movements are present in our parish. These are in connection with the Salvatorians, the Franciscans, the Fokolare movement, the Taizé community and the Marriage Encounter weekends.

We live in more than 20 smaller communities but we aim to form a big parish family where love is the most important thing to connect people. There are programs for connecting the entire parish community like the Rorate masses in advent, our yearly community day or the retreats in Lent, pilgrimage programs, the Virgin Mary days in September or the thanksgiving mass on the last day of the year.

Our new community center, a new building close to the St. Elisabeth Parish Church, was inaugurated on September 26, 2009.

We are present in the schools and kindergartens of the local government where we give weekly religious instruction. We have five people to teach the children.

Our parish owns a private cemetery in the Szőreg street as well. The cemetery is a holy place because it is resting-place for God’s children but also because it reminds us to Christ whose body was laid into a grave till his resurrection.

Roman Catholic fathers serving in the Újszeged Parish:

Parish priest Dr. Imre Kiss was born in 1955 in Szeged. He studied theology in Szeged, Budapest and Rome. He was ordained a priest in 1979. His motto is: “Let your first care be his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be given you in addition”(Mt 6,33). Besides his work as a parish priest he has got a responsible task at the bishopric: he is the vicar-general of the bishop, and a professor of Theology in Szeged teaching liturgy. He became parish priest in Újszeged in 2001.

Flórián Perlaki clergyman was born in 1947 in Csanádapáca. He studied theology in Szeged and was ordained in 1973. He was parish priest in Domaszék, Dombegyháza, Elek, Mórahalom, Pitvaros and Mindszent. In 2002 and 2003 he was pastoral in Italy and later a missionary in Kenya. He arrived in Újszeged in 2006. His motto is: “Make yourself holy, for tomorrow the Lord will do works of wonder among you” (Jos 3,5).
Imre Ehmann is a parish-priest in retirement who served earlier in the Bishopric of Szabadka (today’s Serbia). He arrived in Újszeged in 2008 to help his colleagues at the pastoration. He was born in 1931 and served as parish priest in the Holy Cross Parish of Szabadka for 43 years. He was professor for liturgy and ecumenism. He celebrated his golden jubilee mass in 2007. His motto is: “The good keeper gives his life for the sheep” (John 10,11).
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